
EDPS 20th anniversary celebration cake

EDPS Anniversary: celebrating 20 years of protecting personal data

Since 2004, the EDPS protects the personal data of EU citizens and guides EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies so that they are exemplary in upholding data protection principles. The celebration of these two decades is an opportunity to reflect on past, present, and future challenges for a modern regulator in order to pave the way forward for the next 20 years.

Read the blogpost and watch the video of Wojciech Wiewiórowski presenting the EDPS 20th anniversary's activities.

Explore the 20th Anniversary website and learn about its four pillars:


Newsletter #108

In this issue: find out how to sign up to our EDPS Summit: Rethinking Data in a Democractic Society; watch our 20 talks video or podcast series with influential people discussing how privacy is shaping their respective fields of expertise; what does applying data minimisation mean in practice, and more.

"Debate on the Digital Humanism", Speech by Leonardo Cervera Navas in event organised by 'Asociación por la calidad y cultura democráticas', Màlaga, Spain 

"Rethinking the technological element in the key of equality: towards digital humanism", Speech by Leonardo Cervera Navas in event organised by the University of Salamanca, Salamanca Spain

'XXVII Conference on the European Union - The European Union at the crossroads', Speech by Leonardo Cervera Navas in event organised by the University of Castilla-La Mancha and Centro de Estudios Europeos "Luis Ortega Alvarez", Toledo, Spain

'Europe and Technology Day: the impact of AI on citizens' rights', Speech by Leonardo Cervera Navas in event organised by the University of Castilla-La Mancha and Centro de Estudios Europeos "Luis Ortega Alvarez", Toledo, Spain

Leonardo Cervera Navas pays a visit to the Colegio Maristas Nuestra Señora de la Victoria in the context of the programme "Back to School for the Euope Day", Málaga, Spain