

Living in a future Big Data world

Keynote address by Giovanni Buttarelli to the Delphi Economic Forum: Living in a future Big Data world: can prosperity, freedom and fundamental rights be reconciled?

Preliminary opinion on EU-US Umbrella Agreement

Speech of Giovanni Buttarelli on the EU-US Umbrella Agreement given at Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee (LIBE)

EU-US Umbrella Agreement

EDPS welcomes EU-US "Umbrella Agreement" and stresses need for effective safeguards. Read the Opinion and the press release.

Opening address of Giovanni Buttarelli

Opening address given by Giovanni Buttarelli, EDPS, at the Fifth Workshop on Data Protection in International Organisations

Statement WP29 on "EU-US Privacy Shield"

On 2 and 3 February 2016, the Article 29 Working Party (WP29) met to discuss the consequences of the CJEU judgment in the Schrems case for international transfers. Read the statement on the introduction of a "EU-US Privacy Shield".

Data Protection within International Organisations

On 5 February 2016, the EDPS and the International Committee of the Red Cross will host a workshop on data protection within international organisations, which will take place in Geneva. For more information see the EDPS Events page.

A New Digital Ethics

EDPS starts work on a New Digital Ethics. Read the press release.

Data Protection Day 2016

The EDPS is celebrating 10 years of Data Protection Day! Watch our video, follow our events live and get involved in the debate on Twitter #DataProtectionDay. Information on all our events can be found on the EDPS Events page.

General Report "Survey 2015"

EDPS: EU Institutions making steady progress. Read the Report and the press release.