Third revision of the Common Retention List of the European Commission (Case 2022-0659)
Third revision of the Common Retention List of the European Commission (Case 2022-0659)
Third revision of the Common Retention List of the European Commission (Case 2022-0659)
EDPS Supervisory Opinion on the project of Centralised HR resources analytics and reporting services at the General Secretariat of the Council and the establishment of a data warehouse. Need for a data protection impact assessment
EDPS Supervisory Opinion on the processing of personal data relating to ‘associates’ and ‘contacts’ as categories of data subjects processed by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX) for the purposes of identifying suspects of cross-border crimes pursuant to Article 90 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 (Case 2023-0118)
EDPS Supervisory Opinion on the implementation of the EDPS recommendations on the MEP biometric attendance register (included in the EDPS Opinion of 29 March 2021).
EDPS Supervisory Opinion on EIT's internal rules concerning the restriction of certain data subject rights in relation to processing of personal data.