

Nützliche Infografiken und Dokumente, damit Sie sich über Ihre Rechte und Pflichten im Bereich Datenschutz auf dem Laufenden halten können.


EDPS at work: data protection and artificial intelligence

With AI, the digital landscape is evolving. As the data protection authority of the EU institutions and bodies, the EDPS aims to ensure that AI is integrated into day-to-day lives in a human-centered and sustainable way, respecting privacy and data protection principles.

Take a look at the steps we have taken to build a safer digital future for the EU and beyond.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

Briefing note on the CSAM proposal: “The Point of No Return”

The Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) proposal aims to prevent and combat child sexual abuse online and offline by detecting the dissemination of child sexual abuse material and grooming. Whilst there is a consensus about the paramount importance of this task, many stakeholders question the effectiveness, necessity and proportionality of the proposed measures.

In this briefing note we explain why the EDPS believes that in its current form, the CSAM proposal would fundamentally change the internet and digital communication as we know it, and that will be a point of no return.

EDPS Briefing Note on CSAM Proposal "The Point of No Return"

How the EDPS conducts investigations

The EDPS may decide to start an investigation when we have a strong suspicion of an infringement of data protection rules by an EUI.

The aim of the investigation is to check whether an infringement of the applicable data protection rules, in particular the EUDPR, has occurred and to establish its circumstances.

To find out more about the process of EDPS investigations, consult our Investigation Policy and Investigation Factsheet below.

EDPS Investigation Factsheet
Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch

Top 3 Consultations and Complaints in 2022

As part of our work, the EDPS is consulted by EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EUIs), their data protection officers, on their day-to-day activities with an impact on data protection and the processing of individuals’ data. We also process complaints made by individuals about how their personal data has been processed by an EUI.

Verfügbare Sprachen: Englisch