


Data Protection Day 2025

To mark the Data Protection Day, the EDPS, Council of Europe, and CPDP Conferences are joining forces to host a one-day event: “CPDP – Data Protection Day: A New Mandate for Data Protection.”
•    When: 28 January 2025
•    Where: European Commission’s Charlemagne, Brussels
•    Format: In-person and online

This year’s conference comes at a crucial time as new EU political mandates begin shaping the policy landscape. Discussion will focus on the evolving mandate of data protection, particularly its essential role as safeguard of our democratic society against excessive intrusions in the citizens’ privacy by public or private actors.

Hearings of the European Parliament

Nomination du Contrôleur européen de la protection des données

Audition des candidats Bruno Gencarelli, François Pellegrini, Anna Pouliou et Wojciech Wiewiórowski devant la Commission des libertés civiles, de la justice et des affaires intérieures pour la nomination du Contrôleur européen de la protection des données.

Le Contrôleur européen de la protection des données est nommé par une décision conjointe du Parlement européen et du Conseil européen pour un mandat de cinq ans.

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Towards Digital Clearinghouse 2.0: championing a consistent supervisory approach for the digital economy

The EDPS issues its concept note towards a Digital Clearinghouse 2.0 for a consistent, cooperative and coherent approach to enforcing EU laws regulating digital markets.

Read Blogpost and Concept Note 

Press Release

EDPS reprimands Frontex for non-compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1896

In October 2022, the EDPS carried out an audit on Frontex’s activities when assisting Member States at the EU external borders in joint operations.  In particular, the EDPS focused on debriefing interviews by Frontex of individuals intercepted while crossing external borders and the Agency’s further use of the information collected in this context. 

Read the press release

Carissa Velez

20 Talks - Carrisa Véliz: Associate Professor at the University of Oxford

Carissa Véliz is an Associate Professor at the University of Oxford. Prof Véliz graduated in philosophy from the University of Salamanca, completed a master's degree in philosophy at the CUNY graduate centre in New York, and received a doctorate in philosophy from the University of Oxford, where she currently works at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence.


Newsletter 112

In this issue, learn about our global efforts to elevate data protection standards, our work on artificial intelligence and more!

Read last newsletter of 2024

Data Breaches

EDPS Campaign on raising awareness of personal data breaches

In 2024, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) launched a dedicated campaign to raise awareness of personal data breaches, one of 20 initiatives organised to mark the institution’s 20th Anniversary. The campaign ran from March to October 2024, 


PATRICIA Exercise 2024 - Personal dATa bReach awareness In Cybersecurity Incident hAndling

The event, hosted at the EDPS premises in Brussels, aimed to raise awareness among staff from European Union Institutions, Bodies, and Agencies (EUIs) on managing personal data breaches.

colourful background of purple and yellow shades with the title of the serie

Oral history of data protection - Interview with Dr. Waltraut Kotschy

Join us as we speak with leading experts who witnessed the evolution of data protection globally first-hand.  

Jan Philipp Albrecht portrait on the right, his affiliation on the left with a blue semicircle

New episode of 20 Talks is out!

Today, we welcome Jan Philipp Albrecht. Jan is a co-President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation who shares his expertise on data protection, privacy, and digital rights.