

Le CEPD publie environ dix newsletter chaque année. La newsletter passe en revue les derniers développements concernant les activités du CEPD et fournit un aperçu des derniers avis et autres documents adoptés (avis de contrôle préalable, avis législatifs, etc.). Elle présente également les nouveaux délégués à la protection des données, les discours récents du Contrôleur et du Contrôleur adjoint, ainsi que les événements dans le domaine de la protection des données.

  • Pour recevoir la newsletter directement dans votre boîte e-mail, veuillez utiliser la fonction ci-dessous pour vous abonner.

Le CEPD collecte vos données personnelles dans le seul but de vous envoyer sa newsletter. La fonction de "désabonnement" vous permet d'effacer vos données de notre fichier. Consultez notre avis de protection des données pour plus d'informations. 


Newsletter (101)

Looking for something to do in May? Why not come to EU Open Day to find out more about what we do to shape a safer digital future! Look back on our key achievements of the year 2022; discover or read up on Central Bank Digital Currency; and more in this edition of the EDPS Newsletter! This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!


Newsletter (100)

This is our 100th Newsletter! Enjoy a trip down memory lane on EDPS history. Read about the EDPS piloting the use of Open Source software, our latest Opinions on Parenthood and equality bodies for equal treatment. In this edition, you can also find out about how we conduct investigation into EU institutions' activities with an impact on data protection. And, there is always more! This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.


Newsletter (99)

New Year? New Newsletter edition! In issue #99, find out more about our top consultations and complaints dealt with in 2022, our activities to mark data protection day. As well as our latest Opinions, including one that may have an impact on your holidays, and one concerning your instant payments! This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!


Newsletter (98)

Our last newsletter of the year 2022 is out now! Read up on our latest conference on data protection in the field of criminal justice; our Opinions, like the one on the EU Media Freedom Act. Learn more about which technologies should be monitored in 2023. And do not forget to follow us on our two alternative social media platforms, EU Voice and EU Video! This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.

Have a listen now!


Newsletter (97)

In newsletter #97, learn about and sign up to our upcoming Supervision Conference. Read up on our latest audit on three of the EU's large IT systems, our Formal Comments on Smart Meters, our latest Supervisory Opinion, and more!


Newsletter (95)

In the EDPS July 2022 Newsletter, read our latest EDPS-EDPB Joint Opinions and Press Releases on the European Health Data Space and the EU's Data Act. Look back on the events we have organised, such as the EDPS Conference 2022, the 50th EDPS-DPO meeting, and the International Organisation workshop co-organised with the World Food Programme.


Newsletter (94)

With its presentation of the Annual Report 2021; the launch of two social media platforms; the preparation of upcoming events, the EDPS has been busier than ever this month. You can now read all about it in our April newsletter.