EDPS-EDPB Specific Privacy Statement
Data Protection Notice - EDPS-EDPB Specific Privacy Statement, Secondment Programme
Data Protection Notice - EDPS-EDPB Specific Privacy Statement, Secondment Programme
Following the presentation of the European Data Protection Supervisor's 2023 Annual Report at the European Parliament, we invite you to a press conference to present an overview of the EDPS’ activities in 2023. This event will also present the progress made to achieve the goals set out in the EDPS Strategy 2020-2024 to shape a safer digital future.
In this issue, catch up on the EDPS' organisational changes, the Supervisor's visit to Japan for his participation in the G7 roundtable of data protection and privacy authorities, our latest Supervisory Opinions and audits, and find out how you can put data protection into practice. This issue is also part of our podcast series, the Newsletter Digest.
EDPS Opinion 33/2023 on the Proposal for a Regulation in matters relating to the protection of adults