Newsletter (91)
In our last newsletter of 2021, read our TechDispatch on card-based payments; find out more about pseudonymous data; catch up on our latest EDPS-DPO meeting; and more!
As new technologies emerge and are integrated into our lives (internet of things, for instance) new uses of personal data evolve. Together with growth in computing and detection capabilities, in the field of biometrics for instance, these evolutions raise legitimate concerns about the protection of privacy and personal data.
In our last newsletter of 2021, read our TechDispatch on card-based payments; find out more about pseudonymous data; catch up on our latest EDPS-DPO meeting; and more!
In our November newsletter, find out about our upcoming data protection conference in 2022; read up on our participation in the 43rd Global Privacy Assembly and other events relating to data protection; catch up on our latest Formal Comments and recent publications.
In our October newsletter, discover our new initiative, TechSonar, and rediscover our award-winning TechDispath reports! Read up on our latest Formal Comments, and our Guidelines for EU institutions' return to the workplace, and more!
Technological developments in recent years have steadily increased the demand for quality data. In this context, both public and private entities are considering anonymization as a means to share data without harming the fundamental rights of individuals. However, along with its growing popularity, some misconceptions related to anonymization have become widespread.
The objective of this document is to raise awareness about some misunderstandings about anonymisation, and to motivate its readers to check assertions about the technology, rather than accepting them without verification.