
Press Releases



EDPB & EDPS adopt joint opinion on the Data Governance Act (DGA)


Brussels, 10 March - The EDPB and EDPS adopted a joint opinion on the proposal for a Data Governance Act (DGA). The DGA aims to foster the availability of data by increasing trust in data intermediaries* and by strengthening data-sharing mechanisms across the EU. In particular, the DGA intends to promote the availability of public sector data for reuse, sharing of data among businesses and allowing personal data to be used with the help of a ‘personal data-sharing intermediary’. The DGA also seeks to enable the use of data for altruistic purposes.

Available languages: English

EDPS Opinion on Europol’s mandate review

The EDPS published today his Opinion on the proposed amendments to the Europol Regulation which aim, in part, to broaden the scope of Europol’s mandate in response to changes in the security landscape and increasingly complex threats. The Opinion assesses the necessity and proportionality of these proposed amendments, taking into account the importance of aligning the data protection rules for Europol with the data protection rules for other European institutions, bodies and agencies (EUIs), under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.  

Available languages: English

Data protection is non-negotiable in international trade agreements

The EDPS published today his Opinion on two proposed agreements between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK): the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and an agreement on the security procedures for exchanging and protecting classified information.

Available languages: English

EDPS Opinions on the Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act

The EDPS published Opinions today on the European Commission’s proposals for a Digital Services Act and a Digital Markets Act. Both Opinions aim to assist the EU legislators to shape a digital future rooted in EU values, including the protection of individuals’ fundamental rights, such as the right to data protection.

Available languages: English

EDPB & EDPS adopt joint opinions on new sets of SCCs

Brussels, 15 January - The EDPB and EDPS have adopted joint opinions on two sets of contractual clauses (SCCs). One opinion on the SCCs for contracts between controllers and processors and one on the SCCs for the transfer of personal data to third countries.

The Controller-Processor SCCs will have an EU-wide effect and aim to ensure full harmonisation and legal certainty across the EU when it comes to contracts between controllers and their processors.

Available languages: English

Strategy for EU institutions to comply with “Schrems II” Ruling

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) issued today a strategic document aiming to monitor compliance of European institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EUIs) with the “Schrems II” Judgement in relation to transfers of personal data to third countries, and in particular, the United States.

Available languages: English

Body temperature checks by EU institutions: Careful assessment and data protection safeguards are necessary

The European Data Protection Supervisor issued today orientations on the use of body temperature checks by Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EUIs) in the context of the COVID-19 crisis, highlighting that a careful assessment and appropriate data protection safeguards are necessary.  

Available languages: English

EDPS Statement following the Court of Justice ruling in Case C-311/18 Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland Ltd and Maximilian Schrems (“Schrems II”)

The EDPS welcomes that the Court of Justice of the European Union, in its landmark Grand Chamber judgment of 16 July 2020, reaffirmed the importance of maintaining a high level of protection of personal data transferred from the European Union to third countries.

Available languages: English

EDPS Report: EU Institutions’ use of Data Protection Impact Assessments

Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) published a Report on how EU institutions, bodies and agencies (EUIs) carry out Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) when processing information that presents a high risk to the rights and freedom of natural persons.

Available languages: English

The Hague Forum: Reinforcing cooperation for fair IT contracts in Europe

The Hague Forum, jointly organised with the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security and the European Commission, met for the second time, on 2 July. The Hague Forum is a cooperation platform for public authorities in the EU, EU institutions (EUIs) and other international organisations to exchange information and strengthen their negotiation power with ICT service providers, including cloud service and communications providers.

Available languages: English

Shaping a Safer Digital Future: a new Strategy for a new decade

Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), Wojciech Wiewiórowski, published his Strategy for 2020-2024, which will focus on Digital Solidarity. In a connected world, where data flows across borders, solidarity within Europe and internationally will help to strengthen the right to data protection and make data work for people across the EU and beyond, he said.

Available languages: English

European Commission’s GDPR Review: Stronger European solidarity for the enforcement of the GDPR

The EDPS welcomes the European Commission’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) review, published today that assesses the application of the Regulation after two years of experience with it.  

The EDPS agrees with the Commission’s positive evaluation. The GDPR has strengthened the fundamental right to data protection, and contributed to raising awareness about the importance of data privacy, both within the EU and in other parts of the world. 

Available languages: English

Joint FRA & EDPS statement: EU rights and data protection bodies: new technology and data protection have to go hand in hand

As EU countries continue rolling out new coronavirus contact-tracing apps, the data protection and privacy risks remain high on the agenda. Amid these developments, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) renew their cooperation agreement today to further strengthen data protection across the EU. Both FRA and EDPS argue that respect for fundamental rights, including privacy and data protection, has to be centre stage to make tracing apps, or any other technology, a success.

Available languages: English

EDPS closes investigation into European Parliament’s 2019 election activities

The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) has closed its investigation into the European Parliament’s use of a US-based political campaigning company to process personal data as part of its activities relating to the 2019 EU parliamentary elections. The contract between the European Parliament and NationBuilder came to a natural end in July 2019 and all data collected has been transferred to the European Parliament’s servers, the EDPS announced today.

Available languages: English

EDPS Annual Report 2019: new EU data protection rules must produce promised result

With new legislation on data protection in the EU now in place, our greatest challenge moving into 2020 and beyond is to ensure that this legislation produces the promised results, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) said today, as he published his 2019 Annual Report.

Available languages: German, English, French

EDPS publishes new Proportionality Guidelines aimed at making privacy-friendly policymaking easier

New European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) Guidelines on assessing proportionality aim to provide policymakers with practical tools to help assess the compliance of proposed EU measures that would impact the fundamental rights to privacy and the protection of personal data with the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Data Protection Supervisor said today, as he published the Guidelines.

Available languages: German, English, French

EDPS takes on new supervisory role at Eurojust

A new supervisory framework for the processing of personal data at the EU Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust) comes into force today. Under the new rules, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) takes over responsibility for monitoring Eurojust’s compliance with the applicable EU rules on data protection.

Available languages: German, English, French