With the appointment of a new European Commission, data protection will face a new political agenda. A new ‘Data Union’ strategy is expected to free the untapped potential of data, through simplified, clear and coherent legal framework for businesses and administrations, while respecting high privacy and security standards. Political pressure is rising to ensure that the implementation of EU data protection law remains in line with the objectives of digital transformation and responds to law enforcement and commercial needs. At the same time, the co-legislature is expected to advance the work on burning topics from the previous mandate, such as the proposal for procedural harmonisation of GDPR enforcement and the proposed regulation to combat child sexual abuse material. This panel will give the floor to actors directly involved in the activities of the EU institutions, and will be the opportunity to hear their views on the burning topics to be discussed during the next five years.
Moderator: Anna Buchta, Head of Policy and Consultation Unit, EDPS
- Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl, Director-General, Digitaleurope
- John Edwards, Information Commissioner, ICO (UK)
- Michał Gramatyka, Secretary of State, Ministry for Digital Affairs, Republic of Poland
- Marina Kaljurand, MEP,First Vice-Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament
- Irena Moozová, Deputy Director-General, Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers, European Commission