
CPDP DPD 2025 - Forging the future: reinventing data protection?

Whereas the digital world is subject to constant change, so are the laws that govern it. Recent legislative developments have led to a complex legal landscape which may be difficult to navigate at times. This panel aims to stimulate reflection on the role of data protection within this dynamic regulatory environment. It also aims to explore possible alternative approaches to the application of data protection in an era of rapid technological advancement. Key areas of focus will include:

  • Regulatory models best suited to keep pace with technological innovation
  • Learnings from newer regulatory approaches such as DSA, DMA, and AI Act
  • Exploring new paradigms for data protection (e.g., should consent, transparency and user control be redefined?)

The panel aims to chart a course for the future of data protection that is both robust and flexible, navigating through the challenges discussed during the day. The panelists will discuss whether we still are on track to achieve the main objectives of data protection regulation without avoiding this important question: should the GDPR be reopened and why?

Moderator: Gabriela-Zanfir Fortuna, Vice-President for Global Privacy, Future of Privacy Forum


  • Ralf Bendrath, Political Advisor, The Greens / EFA in the European Parliament
  • Hielke Hijmans, Chairman of the litigation chamber and member of the Board of Directors, Belgian Data Protection Authority
  • Karolina Mojzesowicz, Deputy Head of Data Protection Unit, DG Justice, European Commission
  • Nora Ni Loideain, Senior Lecturer and Director, Information Law and Policy Centre, University of London
  • Johnny Ryan, Director of Enforce, Irish Council for Civil Liberties