"Solidarity - The power of the powerless" - Wojciech Wiewiórowski
Closing remarks of the European Data Protection Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, at the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP)
The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which became legally binding in 2009, sets out the fundamental rights protected in the EU in a single document. Those rights designed to uphold the Dignity, Freedoms, Equality, Solidarity, Citizens' Rights and Justice of individuals in the EU are inalienable and universal. The rights include the right to privacy and the right to data protection which serve as the foundation to the work of the EDPS.
Closing remarks of the European Data Protection Supervisor, Wojciech Wiewiórowski, at the Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference (CPDP)
Speech by Wojciech Wiewiórowski delivered at the 'Digital Health 2020 - EU on the Move' Panel, as part of an event organised by the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union (via video link), Brussels, Belgium
With this Opinion, issued pursuant to Article 42(1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, the EDPS puts forward recommendations aiming at minimizing the impact of a Commission’s legislative proposal amending Directive 2011/16/EU on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation on the fundamental right to privacy and to the protection of personal data of individuals. These recommendations are intended to ensure compliance with the applicable data protection legal framework, while avoiding jeopardizing the efficacy and efficiency of the administrative action on the fight against tax evasion.
Global Privacy Assembly Closed Session 2020 - At your desk
When: 13-15 October 2020
Where: Online session
The newly renamed Global Privacy Assembly (formerly known as International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners - ICDPPC) took place this year 2020 during the period from October the 13th to October the 15th. This year's event wasn't immune to the COVID-19 pandemic currently occurring. Consequently the place of the event, which initially was planned to be held in Mexico City, had to be changed to a virtual setting, making it the first time that such an occasion was organized online.
Following you can find the resolutions adopted during this year's GPA:
EDPS comments on the model for working arrangements to be concluded by the European Border and Coast Guard Agency with the authorities of third countries.