
Public Access to Documents Register

Welcome to the EDPS’ Public Register!

With this public register, you can now access a variety of the EDPS’ documents in an electronic format.

The EDPS, like all other EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies (EUIs), is obliged under Article 15 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) to be transparent and open in the way it works. 

As such, the EDPS’ Opinions, Recommendations, Decisions and other documents are made accessible on a public register. This transparency principle fosters good governance and offers the possibility for the public to be informed about and engage with the EDPS’ day-to-day work. 

Who can access the public register? 

Any citizen or resident of an EU Member State has the right to access documents of the EDPS according to Article 15 of the TFEU. 

Public access to the EUIs’ documents, including the EDPS’ documents, is governed by Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, which lays down the conditions and limits related to the public access of documents.

What to do if the document you are looking for is not on the EDPS’ public register? 

If you are unable to find a particular document on the EDPS’ public register, please contact us at the following email address

Requesting access to the EDPS’ documents that are not on its public register is free of charge. In addition, no justification is necessary when submitting your request to access EDPS documents. 

Upon receiving your request, the EDPS, within the time limits set out in Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001, will either provide you with the document(s) in question or will send you a detailed explanation as to why access cannot be granted.

If your request to access an EDPS document is granted, this same document will be made available on this public register.


Public Access to Documents Register


Document name ID Creation date Subject Topics
summary_en-2021-june COO.6515.100.4.475589 10/02/2023 summary_en-2021-june Supervision coordination, Borders, Asylum, Migration
summary_en-2021-november_en COO.6515.100.2.475590 10/02/2023 summary_en-2021-november_en Supervision coordination, Borders, Asylum, Migration
summary_en-2022-june COO.6515.100.3.47559 10/02/2023 summary_en-2022-june Supervision coordination, Borders, Asylum, Migration
Final decision COO.6515.100.3.472965 26/01/2023 Decision promotions- 27-04-22 Administrative and Human Resources, Management of the EDPS
Administrative note email, practical information COO.6515.100.4.454300 12/01/2023 Data Protection Within International Organizations Workshop - Administrative note Public Events, International Cooperation
INSPECTION_REPORT - 2021-0303 COO.6515.100.4.470452 22/12/2022 INSPECTION_REPORT - 2021-0303 Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
Invitation to LIBE Committee exchange of views on Pegasus spyware 29 November 2021 COO.6515.100.2.454857 23/11/2022 A(2021) 4035 Data Breach, Privacy in the EU Institutions
22-11-17 EDPS Opinion - 2022-0923 (e-signed) COO.6515.100.3.506118 22/11/2022 22-11-17 EDPS Opinion - 2022-0923 (e-signed) Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
22-10-28 EDPS Decision - 2022-0902 - EUCJ (e-signed) COO.6515.100.4.465412 16/11/2022 22-10-28 EDPS Decision - 2022-0902 - EUCJ (e-signed) Supervision by EDPS, Electronic Communications, Information Society
Implementation of EDPS Decision concerning the Draft Administrative Arrangement COO.6515.100.2.464661 08/11/2022 Letter_in_response_to_the_EDPS_Case_2022-0471_with annexes Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
Our ref. 2022-0471 and 2021-0505 - Implementation report on transfer authorisation of 2021 COO.6515.100.2.462592 11/10/2022 D(2022) 2390 Supervision by EDPS, Transfers of data
EDPS Decision COO.6515.100.2.460881 19/09/2022 21-12-16+EDPS+Opinion+-+2021-0991 (e-signed) Supervision by EDPS, Borders, Asylum, Migration
FW_EXT: RE: Meeting in EDPS - Montoyer 30 COO.6515.100.2.460671 15/09/2022 A(2022) 3182 Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
EDPS Decision COO.6515.100.2.460128 09/09/2022 2021-0757_EDPS_opinion signed_FU Supervision by EDPS, Borders, Asylum, Migration
22-06-27 EDPS Opinion - 2022-0284. (e-signed)pdf COO.6515.100.2.460028 07/09/2022 22-06-27 EDPS Opinion - 2022-0284. (e-signed)pdf Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
FW: Meeting in EDPS - Montoyer 30 COO.6515.100.4.459850 05/09/2022 WW email summarizing outcome of the meeting_ FW: Meeting in EDPS - Montoyer 30 Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
Your reference: C 2021-0255 (Cisco ad hoc contractual
clauses) - Ares(2022)6074690
COO.6515.100.3.459813 01/09/2022 A(2022) 3034 Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
Factual_Briefing-FINAL COO.6515.100.3.459736 01/09/2022 Factual_Briefing-FINAL Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
Opinion_PCo QUEST_final COO.6515.100.3.457955 30/08/2022 Opinion_PCo QUEST_final Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions
RE: @EXT: EDPS letter dated 15 July 2022 (C2022-0703) COO.6515.100.4.459172 25/08/2022 RE: @EXT: EDPS letter dated 15 July 2022 (C2022-0703) Supervision by EDPS, Privacy in the EU Institutions