Use of information technology for customs purposes
Avis sur l'initiative de la République française en vue de l'adoption d'une décision du Conseil sur l'emploi de l'informatique dans le domaine des douanes, JO C 229, 23.09.2009, p. 12
The EDPS notes that the Proposal involves various aspects relating to fundamental rights, in particular the protection of personal data as well as the right to information and other data subject's rights.
The EDPS is particularly interested in the new developments concerning the Third Pillar part of the CIS, given that he already exercises supervisory tasks over the central part of the First Pillar part, in accordance with the new Regulation 766/2008 amending Council Regulation 515/97 on mutual assistance between administrative authorities of the Member States and cooperation (...) to ensure the correct application of the law on customs and agricultural matters.