Proposition de règlement relatif au système ECRIS-TCN
Avis du CEPD sur la proposition de règlement relatif au système ECRIS-TCN
Avis du CEPD sur la proposition de règlement relatif au système ECRIS-TCN
Avis sur les échanges d’informations relatives aux ressortissants de pays tiers dans le cadre du système européen d’information sur les casiers judiciaires (ECRIS)
Avis sur la communication de la Commission intitulée "Un espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice au service des citoyens", JO C 276, 17.11.2009, p. 8
The EDPS has adopted an opinion on the European Commission's Communication of 10 June 2009 entitled “An area of freedom, security and justice serving the citizen”. The Communication is the Commission's contribution to the discussions on the new EU programme for the next five years in the area of justice and home affairs, the so called Stockholm programme, which is due to be adopted by the European Council in December 2009.
The EDPS supports the attention that has been devoted in the Communication to the protection of fundamental rights, and in particular the protection of personal data, as one of the key issues of the future framework for EU action on the questions of citizenship, justice, security, asylum and immigration. He fully endorses the Commission's view that more emphasis should be given to data protection in the areas concerned, and calls for the European Council to follow the same approach when adopting the Stockholm multi-annual programme.
Taking the need for protection of fundamental rights as main angle of the analysis, the EDPS opinion focuses on the following issues:
Avis sur la proposition de décision du Conseil relative à la création du système européen d'information sur les casiers judiciaires (ECRIS), en application de l'article 11 de la décision-cadre 2008/.../JAI, JO C 42, 20.2.2009, p. 1